Terraria is a sand box game. There are 99 mobs like zombie,slimes and demond eyes. Its the same as minecraft with the bloky teshure. There are many bosses out there to kill[slay]. But many people think Terraria is the best, but is it... Well we never will know if a game is better than Terraria.
There are still enemies in the day time. There will be enemies all the time in Terraria. The only enemy that hurts you in the day is slimes.There are quite a lot of slimes in the game!There is green,blue,purpel and red and many more.The enemies that attack you in the night are zombies,demond eyes and still little harmless slimes!
Now for the end Arorms and tools. There are many Arormas and weapons to find and make. The best weapons in the game is the terra blade.[best one is legendary]But is there any best armore... Well we will ansaw the qustion now there is turtal armore!It dose sound weird dosent it! Well hear are a few pics of Terraria.
Terraria frost man holding axe |
Pumpkin from pumpkin moon |
Ice quwen Terraria |